હવે(સમય) -ઓરિસ્સા અને Uralic લોકો – તે સમાન દેખાવ કરે?

Ora (Ura) -Orissa and Uralic people of europe

હવે (સમય) -Orissa and Uralic people of europe

ઓરિસ્સા વચ્ચે સમાનતા વિશે અગાઉના તથ્યો પર જોઈ પછી – એસ્ટોનિયા અને ફિનલેન્ડ હવે અમને સાંસ્કૃતિક અને ભાષાકીય સમાનતા પર પણ જોવા દો.
Uralic people of Europe

નામ “Uralic” સૂચન Urheimat ઉલ્લેખ કરે છે (મૂળ વતન) of the Uralic family, which is often located in the vicinity of the Ural Mountains, as the modern languages are spoken on both sides of this mountain range.Finno-Ugric is sometimes used as a synonym for Uralic, though more typically Finno-Ugric is understood to exclude the Samoyedic languages.
Now let us look at meaning of Orissa.

હવે(સમય)- ઓરિસ્સા

Ora (ura) - Orissa

હવે (ura) - ઓરિસ્સા. Is it similar to Uralic?

The name Orissa is derived from the modified form of ancient words Ora (સમય) or Odra Desa or Sumera or Odra bisaya The earliest epigraphic reference to Odras is found in the Soro copper plate grant of Somadatta from which it is clear that Uttara Tosali with its visaya Sarepahara identified with Soro of Baleswar district was part of Odra Visaya.In the Mahabharata the Odras are mentioned along with the Paundras, Utkals, Mekalas, Kalingas and Andhras, while according to Manu the Odras are associated with the Paundrakas, Dravidas, કંબોજ, Yavanas, શક, Paradas, Pallavas, Kiratas and Khasas.

Vali in both the traditon

Surprisingly Vali was father of Anga ,પ્રારંભિક , કલિંગ ,Pundra , Suhma.

The following link mentions that One day a king named Vali, who was childless, went to the Ganges river to perform his ablutions. Then a raft to which the old sage Dirgatamas, cast away by his wife and sons, was tied, approached him. The king took the old man. ગવર્નર, chose him for raising up offspring. King Vali sent his wife Sudeshna unto him. But the queen knowing that the latter was blind and old went not unto him, she sent unto him her nurse. And upon that Sudra woman the Rishi begat eleven children of whom Kakshivat was the eldest. And beholding those eleven sons with Kakshivat as the eldest, who had studied all the Vedas, king Vali one day asked the Rishi saying, ‘Are these children mine?’ The Rishi replied, ‘No, they are mine. They were begotten by me upon a Sudra woman. The king Vali then again sent unto him his queen Sudeshna. The Rishi by merely touching her said, ‘Thou shalt have five children named Anga, પ્રારંભિક, કલિંગ, Pundra and Suhma. And after their names as many countries shall be known. It is after their names that their dominions have come to be called Anga, પ્રારંભિક, કલિંગ, Pundra and Suhma.

Link tO Indian tradition of ગવર્નર

Vali in european Norse tradition

નોર્સ પુરાણોમાં, Váli is a son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindra. He was birthed for the sole purpose of killing Hoor as revenge for Höðr’s accidental murder of his twin brother, Baldr. He grew to full adulthood within one day of his birth, and slew Höðr. Váli is fated to survive Ragnar.

લિંક Norse mythology -ગવર્નર

આ પ્રવેશ પોસ્ટ કરવામાં આવ્યું ફોટો ગેલેરી. આ બુકમાર્ક કરો PERMALINK.

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